Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Simulation - Communication networks

Functional Description

ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use.

In the framework of the research project with Alstom Transport (see §8.1.3), we have extensively validated several modules of ns-3, related to the PHY and the MAC layers. We have implemented a directional antenna using 3-dimensional data for the radiation diagram. Modules related to the Automatic Train Protection function used in train systems have been implemented and validated. We have also developed a generator of video traffic and objects that allow to generate easily simulation scenarios.

We have made available the code related to the communication based train control and the one generating video traffic. Some of our contribution to the ns-3 simulator and selected results illustrating some of the issues that can be addressed using our contribution are presented and discussed in [35].